Avoid Putting These Chemicals Down Your Drain Lines

What Chemicals Should You Avoid Flushing Down Your Toilet and Drain Lines When Clogged?

When you have clogged toilets or drain lines, using any chemicals you think might solve the problem can be tempting. This is particularly true for DIY enthusiasts who can quickly go to the internet, search for a bunch of chemicals mixed up, and then try to use it without knowing the end result. Mixing up a bunch of chemicals is a risky affair as the wrong chemical mixture can cause an explosion. Cleaning and repairing blocked drain lines should be left to professional plumbing companies if you are unable to remedy the clog with simple tools such as a plunger, or common drain cleaners.


Chemicals that should never be used in a clogged drain or toilet include:


  • Sodium Hydroxide
  • Nitric Acid
  • Sulfuric Acid
  • Hydrochloric Acid
  • Potassium Hydroxide

It’s normal to assume that clogged toilets and drains can be fixed by a normal routine that is thought to have a faster cleaning power, which is true. However, using chemicals can do more harm than good. Here are some reasons why you should never use the mentioned chemicals to unclog your toilet or drain.

Damaging Pipes

Pouring chemicals into the drains or toilets can cause pipe leakage. This is truer for older pipes. It causes damage to your plumbing line, which can be costly to repair. Moreover, you’re providing a direct path to groundwater that can be disinfected.

Cause Severe Health Issues

When chemicals are inhaled or come in contact with your skin or eye, they can become harmful. They can cause allergy triggers and even cancer. If the chemicals find their way into the water supply, they can disinfect it with toxic substances that can cause liver damage, congenital disabilities, and cancer predisposition.

Chemicals Are Not an Effective Cleaning Option

The clog in your drain or toilet may be caused by sewer tube damage and broken pipes, making a cleaning agent ineffective. Calling a plumber right away when you have any clogging on your drain or toilet is, therefore, paramount. The expert will assess the situation and recommend the best solution.

Disposing Chemicals in Your Clogged Toilets Impacts the Environment

Chlorofluorocarbons are the main contributors to the greenhouse effect and ozone depletion. These components are usually found in these chemicals. The chemicals drained down in your sink and toilet may find their way into the ground or water, causing depletion of oxygen levels in the water.


These chemicals are strong enough to cut through grease, hair, or debris clogging up your drains. However, its drawback is that it’ll corrode your pipes and damage fixtures. Over time, the plumbing pipes would require replacement with continuous use of such chemicals. Moreover, when these powerful concoctions enter the sinks and bathtubs, they can ruin the enamel finish, which can catalyze the item’s replacement.

Final Note!

Chemicals should never be used to unclog toilets or drains in your home. Alternatively, you can use a natural cleaning agent to unclog them like sodium bicarbonate and vinegar. Calling a professional plumber is the best way to deal with clogged drains and toilets. The expert has a better chance of resolving the problem without adding underlying problems to the issues.

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